Sunday 23 March 2014

Chocolate & Cinammon rolls

Hello fellow human beings!
This is a VERRRRY good dessert and easy to make ❤ you must try it out seriously *-*!
(I took the recipe online, some recipes I take online -will tell you if it is taken from the great web- and adjust to them abit or copy them straight off, I still post them here cause who knows maybe you will find my explanation easier :D) I don't take credit for this one!

Here it is ,ingredients:
  • Slice bread
  • Sugar powder
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Nutella or kinder chocolate
  • Strawberries cut into slices
  • A bit of butter (for the pan)
  • A mix of egg,milk and vanilla extract

1-use that tool that spreads a pizza dough to make the slice bread thin and spread out.
2- On the right side of the slice bread put on some nutella or kinder, then top it with the strawberry slices and roll the bread so it looks like a roll sandwich.
3- Dip the rolls into a mix of egg, milk and vanilla then to into a hot pan with a small amount of butter till the bread color turns slightly red-ish color!
*For easier handling stick a toothpick to keep the roll rolled
4- sprinkle on top a mix of Cinnamon & sugar powder!
5- ENJOY ;) so so good :')


  1. This looks so good! What's the egg, milk and vanilla ratio?

    1. thank you!! :D two beaten up eggs, quarter a cup of milk and a tea spoon of vanilla extract ! :D
