Monday 10 February 2014

NUTELLA Hot Chocolate!

Chocolate fan? ;)
Here's an easy NUTELLA hot chocolate recipe (yes ! Nutella *-* hahaha)

Ingredients :
-Nutella (start with one table spoon, if you feel it needs more add some more ,you'll know after waiting till it gets darker)
-Cup of milk
- One tea spoon of sugar
-Half a tea spoon of vanilla extract

1- Mix the above ingredients under fire till it boils and the color gets dark, stir with a spoon every now and then to melt the nutella.

For more yumminess (and calories wohoo xD) try this whip cream mix to top the hot chocolate :

Ingredients :
-1/4 A cup of cooking cream
-1/2 Tea spoon vanilla extract
-1 Tea spoon sugar ( add more if you'd like)
- One table spoon philadelphia cheese

2- Mix the cheese with the cooking cream and while doing so add the sugar and vanilla extract. (Use an electric mixer, start with a slow pace then speed up)

Ps: you can play with the amount of ingredients however you like it, mine are the approximates as I don't usually measure how much I put.

ENJOY IT !!! ;)♡

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